Much Ado About Nothing | November 2017

“Doing nothing is very hard to do…you never know when you’re finished.” Leslie Nielsen In a world that values and incentivizes action, ‘doing nothing’ carries with it certain negative connotations. It conjures up images of laziness and complacency or...

The Choice is Yours | October 2017

“Choices are the hinges of destiny.” Pythagoras Amidst all the catchy click-here headlines, several contenders vie for the title of ‘the most important investment decision you’ll ever make.’ Setting aside the hyperbole of ‘the most important ever’ and...

Data Bites | April, 2017

He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts – for support rather than illumination. Andrew Lang Data is like coffee shops. These days it is everywhere and in abundance. It doesn’t matter whether you are building a hockey team, managing investments, or picking...