Algonquin Debt Strategies Fund

This Fund offers investors higher yields and return potential without sacrificing quality.

Rather than searching for yield in lower-quality securities, we focus on extracting value from investment-grade credit. Our approach isolates the credit exposure of high-quality, large-cap companies while minimizing interest rate risk.

The result is the opportunity to earn attractive returns with a high degree of security and transparency.

For those investing through holding or operating companies, there is the added bonus of potential tax efficiencies, with returns characterized as active business income.

In a nutshell

1. Yield through high-quality credit.

Isolate and leverage the credit exposure of investment-grade bonds. Thus, earning attractive yields with minimal interest rate risk.

2. Active credit selection and tactical trading.

Target performance and relative value in specific issuers and sectors. Seek excess returns by capitalizing on inefficiencies within bond markets.

3. Business income.

The limited partnership’s returns are categorized as ‘active business income’, offering a unique tax benefit to corporate accounts.

Target Return6-9%
Fund TypeOffering Memorandum
EligibilityDiscretionary Portfolio Managers & Accredited Investors
RSP EligibleYes
Fund Codes (LP)CAD: AGQ100
Fund Codes (Trust)CAD: AGQ200
OM Risk RatingMedium
LiquidityMonthly (25 days notice)
Management Fee1.50%
Performance Fee15%
Inception DateFebruary 2, 2015


* X Class closed to new investors. Common ITD Feb 2nd 2015, to Feb 28th 2025. Source: YCharts

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