Nov 7, 2023 | Notes from the Desk
Notes From The Desk: North American Employment – Help Wanted? October saw a cooling in both temperatures and the North American labour market. By the numbers. Canada. 17.5k jobs added (v. expected 25k), with the gains coming from part-time...Oct 30, 2023 | Notes from the Desk
Notes From The Desk: Bank of Canada – The Unchanged & The Changed The Bank of Canada (BoC) held rates steady this morning while continuing the process of quantitative tightening. While this was expected, there were some noteworthy changes to their...Oct 17, 2023 | Notes from the Desk
Notes From the Desk: CAD CPI – A small sigh of relief Canadian headline CPI for September surprised nearly everyone by coming in below expectations. By the numbers.. YoY CPI 3.8% (4% expected) The average of the Bank of Canada’s favourite core CPI...Oct 12, 2023 | Notes from the Desk
Notes From the Desk – US CPI – The Devil is in the Details Surging energy prices pushed the headline September CPI a touch higher than expected. While media outlets will flash the headline number, the devil is in the details, and that is what the...Oct 6, 2023 | Notes from the Desk
Notes From the Desk – North American Employment Data – No Shortage of Help Wanted By the numbers. CAD 64,000 jobs were created (20,000 expected) The increase in jobs was primarily driven by a 66,000 gain in the education sector, which can be...Sep 20, 2023 | Notes from the Desk
Notes From the Desk: FOMC Decision – Higher for Longer. As expected the FOMC held rates steady, while leaving the door open for one more hike this year. The noteworthy. The significant changes are to be found in the infamous ‘dot-plot’ which...