Since The (W)Ides of March | April 2020

“There’ll be ups and downs, smiles and frowns.” Snoop Dogg Last month we noted that one of the greatest commodities right now is patience (apologies to the ‘gold bugs’).  After all, the road to social and economic recovery could be long and jagged, and we can’t let emotions and short-term thinking get the better of […]

The Ugly, The Bad, And The Good | March 2020

“All we need is just a little patience.” Guns N’ Roses First and foremost, we hope that you and your family are safe, healthy, and coping well during these difficult times. One of the most frequently used words of this period is ‘unprecedented’.  Accordingly, we are going to break precedent from our usual commentary format.  […]

The Virus Goes Viral | February 2020

“It’s a mess, ain’t it, Sheriff?” “If it ain’t, it’ll do till the mess gets here.” No Country for Old Men A big and often underappreciated part of any epidemic is fear.  The basic emotion (Eckman, 1992a) that invokes extreme instinctual reactions that can either protect us or cause further harm. In their 2008 paper, […]

The Anniversary Edition| January 2020

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal:  It is the courage to continue that counts.” Winston S. Churchill While our newborn, Fixed Income 2.0, has been getting a lot of attention lately, it was our firstborn that recently celebrated its fifth birthday.  On February 2nd, the Algonquin Debt Strategies Fund completed five years of […]

2020 Hindsight | December 2019

“We have long felt that the only value of stock forecasters is to make fortune-tellers look good.” Warren Buffet Our minds inherently loathe uncertainty.  Not knowing what to expect is unnerving, as it threatens our primary instinct to survive.  Perhaps this explains and underlies our affinity for prophecies and predictions.  A source of comfort amidst […]