A Central Bank Bedtime Story | January 2022

“The job of the Central Bank is to worry.” Alice Rivlin We imagine that central bankers have endured many sleepless nights since the start of the pandemic.  After all, even in the best of times, stewarding monetary policy to optimize growth, inflation, and employment is a difficult balancing act.  Having to navigate the unchartered waters […]

Notes From The Desk | The BoC’s April Surprise 2021

Despite well telegraphed signals, the Bank of Canada (BoC) managed to surprise markets with their announcement today. The As Expecteds. No change to the overnight rate The BoC announced a taper in their bond buying from $4bn to $3bn a week. No specific details on how this will be done, but we expect the bulk […]

Brian on the BoC statement | Dec 8 2021

Brian D’Costa shares his thoughts on today’s Bank of Canada statement (Dec 8, 2021)

New Year. New You. | December 2021

“I’m not making any New Year’s resolutions. They just go in one year and out the other.” Jane Ace New Year’s resolutions.  Every year we make ‘em.  Every year we break ‘em.  At least that’s how it goes for most of us, with an estimated 80% of resolutions going unfulfilled. Every January the diets begin, […]

The Medium Is The Message | November 2021

“We become what we behold. We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us.” Marshall McLuhan For most of us, there are times when the cyclone of modern media can be overwhelming.  The constant bombardment of facts, figures, and news can leave us feeling more confused than informed. This is the whirlpool Canadian philosopher […]