PodCast: Invest the Money | Sep 17, 2020

Raj talks about challenges posed by ultra-low yields and uncertain markets in Invest the Money by Foster & Associates. Listen Here  

Mind The Gap | August 2020

“As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.” Nelson Mandela This pandemic is a ‘pain in the you-know-what.’  It has disrupted our lives with all sorts of new protocols and practices, and taken some pre-existing trends, i.e. work from home, and hyper-accelerated them. Unfortunately, one […]

Unprecedented All Over Again | June 2020

“If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience” George Bernard Shaw We begin our commentary in the most unimaginative way possible, with a simple dictionary definition. unprecedented adjective never having happened or existed in the past This is not due to a lack of inspiration nor is it intended […]

Monkey In The Middle | May 2020

“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you” Stealers Wheel The ‘middle’ can conjure up negative images and connotations: mediocrity, compromise, the dreaded middle seat. It is neither here nor there and lacks colour and tone, falling into the realm of boring, average, mundane […]

Since The (W)Ides of March | April 2020

“There’ll be ups and downs, smiles and frowns.” Snoop Dogg Last month we noted that one of the greatest commodities right now is patience (apologies to the ‘gold bugs’).  After all, the road to social and economic recovery could be long and jagged, and we can’t let emotions and short-term thinking get the better of […]