• Notes From the Desk:  US Inflation - Holy Relief Trade Batman

Notes From the Desk:  US Inflation – Holy Relief Trade Batman (May 15 2024)

Notes From the Desk:  US Inflation – Holy Relief Trade Batman (May 15 2024)


After three months of surprises to the upside, April’s US inflation data was in line (to a touch softer) with the consensus expectations.


By the numbers:

  • MoM Headline CPI 0.3% (0.4% expected).
  • MoM Core CPI 0.3% (0.4% expected).
  • YoY Headline CPI 3.4% (3.4% expected).
  • YoY Core CPI 3.6% (3.6% expected).

The implications:

  • Interest rates dropped ~ 8 bps as traders moved to price in two cuts from the Fed this year.
  • A single data point a trend does not make.  We suspect the Fed will want further evidence of inflation cooling before making their first move.
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